Hey folks, the Fall Veto Session is upon us and the questions on many minds are:
Will Rep. Phelps bring HB 148 to the floor again?
and: Has it gained the needed support?
I'm confident that at least one vote of support has been added, based on reports from "up North" concerning a very thoughtful young Rep. who seems to actually REPRESENT his constituency.
There were a few Town Hall type meetings over the past few months that have illustrated the overwhelming public support for RTC in IL, perhaps those in office have taken note and will rethink their personal positions.
Considering all of the support HB 148 has received from Law Enforcement bodies, it should be a no-brainer to support the bill, but we can't get complacent about it either.
Please call, write, email or send smoke signals to YOUR Rep. and make sure they know that We, the People want RTC in IL....just like the other 49 states! Hopefully, you've remained in contact with them throughout the summer and they already know!
If they don't support it, remember them at election time!